Human Resources Training Courses

The Unconscious Bias Factor

Optimizing Teams and Potential

Course Objectives

  • Identify employee differences and how those differences can contribute to a vital, energetic, and productive workplace  
  • Identify and address unconscious bias in the workforce  
  • Understand how demographics are changing the face of the workplace and define diversity in all its dimensions  
  • Understand why workplace diversity initiatives are important and common  
  • Value employee differences and learn ways to manage those differences so that they do not become conflictual  
  • Improve communications between diverse employees as well as encouraging structural changes that create effective communications among diverse employees  

Diversity – one of the most competitive advantages of any modern organization. It is no longer a fad discussion among HR teams and leadership retreats. It is now an essential part of preparing teams for present and future success. Organizations are competing for clients and top talent more than ever before. As private markets and government agencies shift, the need to adapt is even more important than ever. The ability to prepare individuals and organizations for these new demands is found in creating diverse teams and cultures. The one obstacle holding most teams back from a diverse culture—unconscious bias.  
This work session will explore the cost of failing to address unconscious bias. The course addresses the benefits that organizations with an ongoing awareness and practical tools to minimize workplace bias. Finally, the course explores practical tips and techniques to improve diversity formally and informally throughout the organization. 

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