Social and Emotional Intelligence Courses

Managing Emotions in the Workplace

Course Objectives

  • Understand the importance of managing emotions  
  • Create awareness to identify your emotional state and the emotions of others  
  • Practice empathy and respect with those you work with  
  • Identify communication essentials to connect better with others  
  • Lean to use empathic listening with others to work through concerns  
  • Develop stress management tools to help reduce emotional outbreaks  
  • Use renewal techniques to refuel your emotional bank   
  • Design an action plan to for managing emotions  

The ability to manage emotions is a key part to building effective relationships, increasing performance, and driving exceptional results. In fact, individuals and teams with high emotional intelligence consistently outperform those that are primarily qualified on technical competencies alone. Although IQ tends to measure natural intelligence, managing emotions is a set of skills that can be learned and developed over time. This workshop will help participants understand the key components of managing emotions and how to take simple steps to optimize their emotions in the workplace.  

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We help you get from where you are to where you want to go - FASTER. Stop wasting time just offering traditional classes, webinars, and workshops. Partner with us to provide affordable, real-world learning solutions that affect bottom line results.