Social and Emotional Intelligence Courses

Managing Stress in Stressful Times

Course Objectives

  • Identify the effects of stress in the workplace and how to minimize its impact.   
  • Participants will learn mindful techniques that can be done to increase focus, improve engagement, effectively manage stress, and improve overall performance personally and professionally.    

As change happens within an organization, it can cause added stress and pressure on individuals and teams. Although change can provide positive outcomes in the short-term, continued stress and fatigue begin to take a toll on team performance and bottom-line results. When change fatigue strikes, organizations will see engagement scores drop and employee turnover increase. “Managing Stress in Stress in Stressful Times” takes a practical approach to dealing with stress in the workplace. From little annoyances that build up over time to strained relationships that continue to escalate, these steps are simple and effective in reducing stress and increasing engagement. 

What You Can Expect from Zoe Training

We help you get from where you are to where you want to go - FASTER. Stop wasting time just offering traditional classes, webinars, and workshops. Partner with us to provide affordable, real-world learning solutions that affect bottom line results.